Friday, July 12, 2013

always an adventure.. LOL 13 weeks and counting!

This week was the first week of my 2nd trimester and as usual in Angel's world it was another adventure. LOL

Thursday (at 13 weeks 2 days) I was so ill that I ended up calling my OB's office (again) and fortunately they got me right in to see Dr. Suong. We had filled out FMLA paperwork last week so that if I continued to be so sick at least Eric would be able to miss a day of work here and there to help me out and get me to the doctor/ hospital so he was able to go with me. My doctor gave me a choice.. one more try with me staying home and taking different meds to keep down fluids.. or he would admit me to the hospital for IV hydration and meds.. I HATE the hospital so of course I chose the first option haha I'm now currently taking Zofran and Phenergan and Protonix and vitamin B-6 around the clock starting last night and FINALLY am feeling human and keeping food and fluids down!!! YAY!
here is my husband waiting in the exam room.. probably playing Bingo on his phone haha

 How far along? 
13 weeks 3 days

How big is Baby? 
baby is the size of a lemon this week. I also read somewhere baby is about the size of my fist :)

Weight Gain? 
still losing weight this week.. but only down 2 more lbs :)

we are going to have our ultrasound to find out gender TOMORROW!!! hopefully baby will cooperate!

Maternity Clothes? 
yes please!!!! everything else is way too uncomfortable or doesn't fit anymore anyway

yes please. 

well this week the nausea/vomiting got way worse again but I've got an awesome OB who is treating it! I've noticed when I'm not dehydrated too bad my energy level seems to be getting better too :) 

YEP. I don't care what anyone says, I have DEFINITELY felt baby moving around! baby moves more right after I've been vomiting and also shortly after I've eaten something sugary!

Food Cravings? 
pickles pickles pickles... still LOL also biscuits and gravy and pretzels with nacho cheese. Not the healthiest cravings this week LOL

What I miss?
hanging out with my girlfriends more.. just haven't felt up to it and the couple times I said "screw it I'm gonna go see them anyway" I had to turn around and go home because I was vomiting so much. I am extremely hopeful that this is the week I have the energy to do more than just go to work and come home LOL I have the most amazing group of friends and I have been missing them terribly

What I am looking forward to?
Best moment of the week? 
right after I threw up AT WORK (and everyone heard me and saw and it was so embarrassing) I was crying because I was just so wiped out from being so sick and suddenly I felt baby moving!!! immediately I totally didn't care about barfing in front of everyone LOL

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